By: lou1015 on 4/29/2017
in my opinion
I believe that this probiotic is so much more effective then others I have tried. I highly recommend this product.
By: JayDubya on 1/12/2016
Not just for your gut but for great oral health too!
My wife read about how chewing a capsule before sleeping is supposed to improve oral health. The flora in it mimics that in your gut and also the ones that start the digestive process in your mouth in your saliva. It goes after and breaks down the old plaque and food still in your mouth even after brushing & flossing. If you've had braces, your teeth have shifted and likely left a void by the bone (I think they call them periodontal pockets). Food will get in there and rot causing ugly things like gum disease and halitosis.
During the dental scrapings I got growing up, I always wondered why the hygienists always had bad breath. Now I realize that was me... I didn't take the best care of my teeth throughout my life but I still have all of them (just a lot of silver in ‘em). Even now, I may not always brush twice a day or floss more than 3 times a week, but for the last four years we've been following this regimen and my last three check-ups have been excellent! VERY LITTLE SCRAPING, complements from the hygienist and no smell! My wife always had good checkups but they have seen her gums improve greatly (she had braces a long time ago and some BAD pockets). Wish I knew about this as a teen.
BTW- they have no real taste. Once the capsule breaks, the powder inside turns to a paste as it mixes with your saliva and you smear that around your teeth- inside and out, swallow the casing (you would anyway) and say g’night.
By: Cracker on 7/20/2015
Low level probiotics 1.5 billion with 3 strains, worthless.
By: LadyA on 2/16/2015
Ive been using this for years for colon health and its great. Works like it is supposed to.