By: ChistafariSDA on 9/22/2020
Great for Autoimmune Disorders/ Fibromyalgia Symptoms
I have MTHFR, and to various degrees , feel like I have the flu everyday. I take IP6, to control my achy lymph nodes and widespread body pain, daily . One full scoop , a day, normally, but if I feel extra run down, I take one scoop in the morning and again in the evening.
By: harleycat on 7/26/2016
Good stuff!!
I know this is kind of long but hope this may help someone. I first started taking IP-6 in Oct 2014.
At that time I had to have a bone marrow test done due to my blood work showing high iron for about a year per my family physician. Started researching possible remedies. Ran across this article …http://www.chiro.org/.../Iron_Too_Much_of_a_Good_Thing.shtml .. I was interested in the chelation aspects of this stuff and ordered some. Started taking it one day prior to my visit with an oncologist. Didn’t tell him I had started taking it. A bone marrow procedure was set up. After I left his office and looking at the paperwork he had put on my paperwork possible “polycythemia vera” a bone marrow disease and on the verge of having to have blood removed possibly once a week or more to control this polycythemia vera. He went through a list of symptoms of this disease and one of which is nausea. I had not been nauseated up until that point. A day or so after the 1st oncologist visit I started getting nauseated. Go figure. I thought it was from the Crohn’s I suffer from, but also thought it could be this polycythemia vera. I noticed that every time I took this IP-6 the nausea subsided for quite a while.
In December the bone marrow procedure was done and a follow up visit a couple of weeks later. His bone marrow testing did not show any abnormalities. No bone marrow disease, no cancer and my blood work all came back normal. My bloodwork for the last year had been showing high iron..Im sure the IP-6 had something to do with normalizing my blood and I know it curbed the nausea. It’s the only thing I had done differently. It’s suppose to be good for the immune system as well. In my estimation it can't do any thing but good for Crohn’s.
This is something someone needs to research and make their on determination. I’m not trying to sale the stuff, just telling of my experiences. I seem to be having good results from this stuff and will continue to take it. This is a supplement just as any multi vitamin. I have not experienced any side effects from it and started taking a lot of it earily on for my blood issues. Any time I get nauseated I take scoop full and in a while my nausea subsides. I find the least expensive place to buy is AllStaraHealth.com.
I first wrote the above after the bone narrow test. As I write this line it is now Jan 2016. My blood continues to be good and Crohn’s disease seem to be getting better. I have continued to take IP-6 Gold since day one. The nausea had to be from my Crohn’s as it continued even though the blood issues were gone. By the way the nausea virtually gone at this time.
By: MomJ on 6/10/2016
Valley Fever & IP6 Gold
When my husband was suffering from Valley Fever, we used this as an immune system builder. Along with other symptoms, his torso was covered with a rash that after about a week of taking the IP6 Gold disappeared. He took it twice a day, morning and evening. However, if he missed a dose, the rash reappeared. He took the IP6 & it went away---He missed a dose & it came back. We are confident that this is part of the reason that the Valley Fever did not get worse but only better while he took this.
By: Donnamarie14 on 12/09/2015
IP6 Gold
I have stage 4 breast cancer and I really believe that the IP6 Gold is helping me live longer. I take this product twice a day and I would recommend this to anyone that is fighting cancer. Also, for anyone who needs help with their immune system.
By: Skydiver on 9/12/2015
Success for Cancer Patient with IP6 Gold Powder
This product has made a big difference in my prostate cancer according to the hard numbers generated by my urologist's testing. No matter what type of cancer you have, you should not hesitate to use this product. Few Physicians sadly have appropriate diet education in their medical school training and most do not understand inositol hexaphosphate (IP6) and inositol. Dr. Shamsuddin at the University of Maryland Medical School has written an excellent book detailing decades of his and others' research that support use of this product as a daily treatment for cancer or as a cancer preventative.