By: AnotherReviewer on 9/11/2021
Works very well for me!!
Makes me feel very alert and calm at the same time. It takes a few hours to feel the effect and taking 2 capsules at once works a lot better for me. Highly recommended.
By: 34SatChitAnanda on 7/30/2016
Great Herb!
I am impressed by this herb. While I wont call it "miraculous" it is indeed a helpful supplement for controlling stress and yes, appetite too. The effect is subtle, but at the same time I definitely notice that it helps control my appetite. When I miss a dose, I definitely will be inclined to eat more at each meal, or eat more snacks. But . . . it isnt so obvious either. I would like to keep my weight between 145 and 150, but it still stays closer or sometimes even goes slightly above 150 than 145 . . .
By: trotsy on 9/27/2014
Relora.....a great product
This is for any person who feels stressed out and yet needs to still work or do a project that needs completion. Take the capsule and do the job with flying colors.
By: Simarah on 9/16/2014
I accidentally came upon Relora. My cortisol levels were high from stress causing osteoporosis. Looking for something to lower my cortisol, I found Relora. This is something most of the population would benefit greatly from. Calms the nerves naturally. With it you can handle stressful situations while keeping your cool. Incredible.
By: MarkTfromASH on 6/06/2008
Much better for stress than appetite support
Relora is an blend of two Chinese herbs that was originally marketed as a supplement with two very different benefits, working both as an appetite-suppressant for weight loss, and as something that helped you cope with stress.
Relora's been around for many years and in all of that time, of all of the Relora fans I've ever met, they've all loved it for its ability to help them stay centered and relaxed during stressful occasions, without any sedative properties. I've never heard to many rave reviews about Relora with respect to weight loss, it seems to work much better as a stress-buffer. I think something like Glucomannan fiber would be a much better, almost foolproof appetite suppressant if that's what a person needed.